Creative Crayon Exhibition at the Interactive Arts Festival!
June 25th
Create a piece of art using any form as long as crayons are included in your creation in some way.
Be Creative!
Turn in your piece by June 9th along with the following information:
- Name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Description of how crayons were used in your piece.
Each entry will recieve one raffle ticket for a chance to win three $100 cash prizes!
Only two pieces per person/per medium can be turned into the exhibit.
Drop off pieces during our open studio times at the Cascade Cultural Arts Center between now and June 9th.
Open Studio Times
Wednesdays- 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Thursdays- Noon.-3:00pm
Creative Crayon Classes will be held this spring at the Cascade Cultural Arts Center demonstrating different techniques such as sculpture, drawing, painting etching, rubbing, encaustic, rangoli, fluid pour, mosaic, sping art, and coloring.
You can pick up a free pack of crayons during Open Studio times ar the Cascade Cultural Arts Center.