by Cascade Chamber | Dec 17, 2020 | Events, Events Featured on Home Page
Cinnabar, Idaho. Began around 1903. Ended in 1956. Six miles from Stibnite, Idaho, and 25 miles from Sunnyside Mine on Thunder Mountain. In the late 1800s, miners searched every inch of Stibnite, Thunder Mountain, Edwardsburg, and Sugar Creek in search of gold and...
by Cascade Chamber | Nov 23, 2020 | Events
Western Mining History Bill Timm’s cabin is still very much intact on Thunder Mountain. Just a few miles from the Dewey Mine. Bill Timm was a scholar, miner, politician, adventurer, postmaster in the town of Roosevelt. Assayer for the US Assay Office. Those who...
by Cascade Chamber | Nov 23, 2020 | Events, Events Featured on Home Page
The ghost town of Roosevelt is a testament that the mountaineers of Thunder Mountain loved Teddy Roosevelt so much they thought their beautiful town should bear his name. In 1901, Roosevelt and the surrounding communities were a hustling, bustling place of business....
by Cascade Chamber | Jun 19, 2020 | Events, Place to Visit
Where Memories are Made… COME STAY AT THE LONGHORN GUEST RANCH The Longhorn Guest Ranch is a working guest ranch located in the scenic mountains of Idaho. You can experience authentic cowboy life with all the necessary comforts. Unwind and relax away from the bustle...
by Cascade Chamber | May 14, 2020 | Events, Events Featured on Home Page
OUR INSPIRATION Kelly’s opened in June 2010 and was built in loving memory of Kelly Brennan and was funded by Mark & Kristina Pickard, in honor of Kristina’s late sister. The Park’s land was generously donated by local philanthropist Hans Borbonus and was the...
by Sharon Bixler | Aug 1, 2018 | Events
The Valley County Fair and Rodeo takes place during the first full week in August. The Fair and Rodeo features events, vendors, live music, and the Buckaroo Breakfast. This is an ICA sponsored Rodeo. For more information, you can follow the event on Facebook here or...