Featured Member: The Cascade Store

Featured Member: The Cascade Store

The Cascade Store is your destination store. We offer a large selection of home and cabin decor, everyday items (shorts, underwear, socks, etc.), a large selection of souvenir gifts, clothing for youth, teens, and adults (Columbia Sportswear, LazyOne Pjs, etc),...
Past Event: 3rd Annual Scarecrow Contest

Past Event: 3rd Annual Scarecrow Contest

Vote for your favorite scarecrow display! Voting October 29th through November 12th Place one vote (per person) at any participating business, Chamber Office, Chamber website, or Chamber Facebook page. Participating businesses will be listed on a map. Maps will be...
Featured Member: Buck Horn Outfitters

Featured Member: Buck Horn Outfitters

Buck Horn Outfitters is an Idaho Outfitter Located out of Yellow Pine Idaho, In Idaho’s West Central Mountains. We Offer Guided Elk, Mule Deer, Mountain Lion, Black Bear, & Wolf Hunts, along with Trail Rides, Summer Pack Trips, horseback camping trips to high...
Past Event: Crayon Exhibition

Past Event: Crayon Exhibition

Creative Crayon Exhibition at the Interactive Arts Festival! June 25th Create a piece of art using any form as long as crayons are included in your creation in some way. Be Creative! Turn in your piece by June 9th along with the following information: Name Phone...